Back in the late 1990s, people thought the most controversial thing that Porsche could possibly do was ditch air cooling for water cooling in its sports cars. Sure, that was a big deal,  and people were, shall we say, uncharitable towards those first water-cooled cars but the Porschephiles with their torches and pitchforks were in for a bigger surprise the following decade when, in 2003, Porsche debuted an SUV called the Cayenne.

The Cayenne was initially derided as an overpriced Volkswagen Touareg and merely a way to stabilize Porsche’s finances after an uncertain number of years, but, over two decades after its introduction, it’s become way more than that. It has a real claim to being one of the greatest SUVs ever made, and, these days, it’s genuinely a Porsche through and through. Not all Cayennes were created equally, though, with teething issues especially in the beginnings. What follows is a ranking of Cayennes, from worst to best.