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Simple profitable entrepreneurial ideas for introverts

by multimill
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Running a business is hard work, and it usually requires a lot of facetime–something at which your average introvert will balk–but that doesn’t mean that only neurotypicals and gregarious personalities can exemplify the entrepreneurial spirit. Per AM Business, here are some ideas for how you can tap into the job market without needing to exhaust your social battery.

Writing is a mandatory skill for pretty much any entrepreneurial endeavor, so being good at it is something that you can market quite easily. Business writing generally takes a tone that the average introvert will find enjoyable for several reasons–it’s reliably consistent, it espouses simple but robust concepts that are easy to dive into, it doesn’t require a ton of back-and-forth workshopping–and there are a lot of possible genres to tackle.

Primarily, business writing will take the form of content creation. Despite the proliferation of AI content, most clients still prefer the real thing. Social media posts, blog entries, and SEO maintenance are all fairly common styles of content creation, but writers can find themselves branching out to formulate website copy, email templates, and other more creative endeavors.

If content creation is your jam but you’re not really into writing, graphic design and interior design are two alternative routes that provide a similar amount of creative input while still fitting the criterion of relatively quiet work. Again, AI may have a bit of a foothold in these areas, but nothing that can replace a living, breathing human. 

AM Business also posits that freelance podcasting–something that is becoming more popular in the age of widespread content distribution–is a decent path for anyone looking to focus on creative endeavors that involve limited and controlled socialization. 

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Of course, there are plenty of other options for less-creative introverts looking to work remotely. Anything regarding coding–software development and backend support, for example–is increasingly in demand, as is consultation and education. Simply marketing your skills as a tutor, an assistant, or an expert in your field can be enough to net you enough work to build a successful practice that still keeps your facetime throughout the day at a minimum.

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