When you absolutely, positively have to fly halfway around the world overnight, there’s no substitute for the comfort and amenities of an ultra-long range private jet. These largest of purpose-designed business jets have become one of the fastest-growing segments in private aviation, with three leading airframers—Bombardier, Gulfstream, and Dassault Falcon—going mano a mano with new entries. The race is so tight that manufacturers point to cabin specifications that best their competitors by a mere inch or two.

Beyond the larger, more comfortable cabins in this latest generation, luxuries such as advanced air-filtration systems, low-altitude pressurization, and circadian-lighting systems make it easier than ever for owners and guests to hop time zones and arrive to remote destinations feeling more refreshed than just a few years ago. In addition, massaging seats, high-speed Wi-Fi, and media zones for conducting business at 50,000 feet are intended to make time on an ultra-long-range jet more like a flying boardroom.

Here are six of our favorite ultra-long-range jets, two historic, and the four that are the latest to market.